Rectifying the deformity of our beloved Children… Operating Legs = Changing Lives
Our goal is that every child dealing with the stigma of handicaps should be able to obtain surgery, no matter their financial or geographic barriers. To achieve our aim we require funds for the children’s operation.
A physical difference especially in the legs can impede the basic functions essential for a child to survive, thrive, and grow, such as walking, doing daily chores, and even sleeping. They can be made to feel inadequate or intellectually inferior, all of which can have a tremendous psychological impact that can result in feelings of isolation and low self-esteem.
SHANTHI NILAYAM ORPHANAGE HAS BEEN COMMITTED TO HELPING EVERY CHILD BORN WITH PHYSICAL DEFORMITIES BENEFIT FROM LIFE-CHANGING, HIGH-QUALITY SURGICAL TREATMENTS. Your support is critical. Funds are urgently needed to help treat the children on our waiting list. All donations to Shanthi Nilayam are tax-deductible.