Shanthi Nilayam Rehabilitation Centre For Mentally Retarded

This institution was founded on 22nd May 2004 as a Rehabilitation Centre for the Mentally Retarded Children. On the very first day, we were blessed with an admission of a girl child. Over the years we have rescued and adopted many more girl children who are mentally retarded, suffering from Epilepsy, and, deformation. End of the year there were altogether 70 children as residents in our Orphanage. We were indeed glad to see some of our children returning home cured of their inabilities and able to manage themselves for their needs. We are of Sisters at their service day in and day out catering to the needs of every child in our Orphanage right from the medication to daily needs.
As we were going around the villages, we found many girls with disabilities were misused and abused by the people of the remote villages. These girls and children who were mentally challenged were left alone in the house by the mothers and going for daily wages. So there was no one to care for them. Some were in the dirt, without food or water till the parents come back. These children were a burden for the families, so they never cared for them. Seeing this situation we were moved with compassion, to give them shelter to take care of them to make them feel they are wanted. Since we’re staying in a rented house, we approached the local MRO, through we approached the Collector of Khammam District, Mr. Aravind Kumar IAS., and granted one acre of land near the Mandal Head Quarters.

The Rehabilitation Centre was built by Our Beloved Bishop Maipan Paul and was taken care of by the Diocese, and the local people. Thus we have started with one child, and within one year the number increased, and we have taken care of nearly 350 children in our Home. With our loving care and support, few children went back home, able to do their own needs.
Few started helping the parents in their household works. Four girls were admitted at the age of 18 as mental depression. After one year without any treatment only with love and care, they became normal and went back for their studies, today they are working in different offices. Few children passed away. At present we have 65 inmates who are semi orphans and orphans. These children are needed total care and support. Through physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, ADL training, vocational training, the children improved physically and mentally.